Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Accidentally in Love

My Story begin from my desember day.I was walking in the edge of the street but i saw a man beside me.He was smilling at me.We begin to know each other.Our life is become the new day.

Day after day, we knew each other.He was a kind man.His name is Rocky."i was an italian"he said.I impressed to this guy because he was so kind to everyone who we met in everywhere.

We had a something that we felt when we met .
3 months later...
We met again in the gate.We smiled each other like a couple of lover.But,Someone appeared from his back.She was so pretty.
"hai hani,this is my wife..."he said clearly to me.I couldn't hold my tears.I thought we were falling in love each other.But....
Oh My God,i knew i fault becauses i don't know him enough.And,it's too fast to say that i was in love by chance.
Hhehehe,,,i wanted to laugh if i remembered this story because i realize that i was stupid.Really!

created by:hanifatul Ummah

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Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Kucing lucu

Kucingku yang berwarna hitam putih.Dia tinggal di rumahku.Ia begitu lucu karena bulunya yang menarik.Tiaphari ku beri makan nasi goreng dan pizza.Minumnya,kopi dan susu.Ia tidak mau yang lain.Hampir tiap hari aku tidak sanggup memberi makan kucingku tiap hari.Hampir tiap hari aku tidak bissa makan karena jatahku dimakan kucingku.Ia begitu rakus.

Suatu hari,jatah makanku dimakan oleh kucingku.Aku ingin marah dan memakan kucingku karena ia merepotkanku.Karena dia adalah kucing yang lucu,aku tidak tega memakannya.Selanjutnya,kucing itu tidak mau makan lagi apabila aku tidak memberinya pizza dan nasi goreng.Ia hanya mau minum kopi , susu , es teh , air kelapa , jus jeruk, dan soft drink.

Inilah kisah kucingku.Ia menjadi kenangan yang lucu bagiku.Ia tidak tergantikan dan tidak dapat kulupakan karena dia setiap hari menemaniku makan dan mengambil jatah makananku.
Semoga arwahnya di alam sana dibalasdengan perlakuannya.Amiin...

Siapa saja yang membaca ini,aku meminta do'a untuk kucingku .Semoga amalperbuatannya diterima.
....Al Fatihah....
Source:hanifatul ummah dan abdul Muiz

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Pagi yang cerah untuk bekerja.Aku bekerja pada sebuah cafe kecil di Sidoarjo.Ini adalah hari pertamaku.Aku benar-benar awam dengan dunia ini.Yang benar saja,aku tak pernah berharap menjadi seorang pelayan di cafe kecil ini.Bon,ia adalah teman yang mengajakku ke sini,tempat dimana aku bekerja.Ia ditempatkan pada bagian kasir.

Saat aku mengahdapi pelayan,aku serasa melakukan hal yang seharusnya tidak aku lakukan karena aku tidak terbiasa melayani seseorang.

Seoran pengunjung datang.Ia duduk di tempat yang dipilihnya.Aku mendekatinya.Dengan senyuman yang ramah,aku berkata'Maaf,mau pesan apa ,pak?"

Ia menjawab"Cappucino icy."Aku segera mencatatnya."Hanya itu,pak?"tanyaku kembali.Ia menganggukIa sendirian.Lima menit kemudian,kuantarkan pesanan bapak tersebut.Ia menyambut dengan ramah pula.Aku tersenyum lalu ia berkata,"mbak,saya minta bon sekrang saja,,,"
Aku tertawa dan berkata,"iya pak..."
Aku segera menuju kasir.Aku berbisik pada Bon."bon,kamu terkenal juga ya?''.Bon tampak bingung."Apa sih han?''
"tu,dcari bapak yang di sono noh!"ucapku padanya.Aneh banget bapak itu kenal dengan bon,pikirku.Tak lama kemudian Bon kembali padaku."hani,ia gag cari aku gitu sih...Aku aja gag kenal."ucapnya.
Aku kembali pada bapak itu dn berkata,"maaf pak,kenapa anda tidak mu menemui Bon?"
Ia terwa terbahak bahak hingga seluruh pengunjung lain mendengar tawanya."Bon?jadi anak sok kenal tadi Bon?aku minta Bon.Bukan si Bon teman kamu..."

"Bon...?''lirihku tak mengerti maksud bapak tadi.
"iya Bon,nota..."
Aku pun tersipu malu.

Karya:hanifatul ummah

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Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010


Last week, I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not very enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily.

They did not pay any attention. In the end. I could not bear it. I turn round again. “ I can’t hear a word ! “ I said angrily. “ It’s none of your business”, the young man said rudely. “ This is privete conversation”.

Taken from New Concept

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Kucing dan Anjing

Bagaimanakah menurut kalian semua apabila kucing bertemu anjing?
Pasti kalian akan menjawab, apabila kucing dan anjing bertemu dengan kucing maka mereka akan berkelahi tak ada hentinya.
Itulah jawaban yang selalu dijawab oleh semua orang. Tak jauh beda dengan apa yang kalian lihat gambar disamping juga merupakan suatu kejadian kucing yang sedang berkelahi dengan anjing. Entah masalah apa yang mereka perdebatkan. Sampai-sampai kita bingung dan bosan dengan melihat perkelahian mereka.

Contoh yang sering sekali kalian lihat adalah dalam sebuah flim kartun yaitu Tom And Jerry, yang didalamnya juga terdapat seekor kucing yang selalu bertengkar dengan seekor anjing, Garfield juga begitu, dan masih banyak juga flim lainnya atau dalam kehidupan keseharian kita.
Untuk itu, mari kita teliti apa penyebabnya dan bagaimanakah solusinya. Agar kita semua tidak merasa bosan dan melihat suasana baru dari kucing dan anjing.

Created by Nurun Nisa’ul I.

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Cat Listens Music

Do you know guys,
What does she do???...
Before that,
I want introduce her,
Her name is Catty, she is very beautiful, she is cute, her eyes are circle, the body hairs are smooth, her nose is sharp, and her voice very slowly.

But, I don’t know when she listens the musics. The first time, she doesn’t like and doesn’t care with me. I feel sad. But , for the second time, she begins like with the musics that I give.
For the third time, I feel very happy because Catty feels happy when listens the musics and Catty laughs very loudly. This is the story of my cat.

Created by Nurun Nisa’ul I.

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Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

My Biography

nama : Hanifatul Ummah
kelas : XI A-1/11

nama : Nurun Nisa'ul I
kelas : XI A-1/22

Our Biography

Here is the story about us.
My name is Hanifatul Ummah. I live in Mojosantren Krian.
I am the student of Islamic Senior High School Sidoarjo now.Before it, i am the student of Islamic Yunior High School in Krian.
I am a girl who don't know what must i write about me because i think that my life is something which cannot be explained.but i'll try
Here is My Life.

When I was in Yunior High School, i have a wonderful friendship.
It consist of me, Mifta, Neny, Aida, Ririn and Fitriah. Our Friendship is unbreakable. Although
we have different behaviour and characteristic, but we are strong and that different can make us to be more strong to hold our friendship.

Mifta is a silent girl.First, She graduated from collage "Denanyar". Then, she move to "Al Amanah " college.Then she move again in one of the college where near from my islamic yunior High School.So, we meet in the half period when i was in first class.She is smart especially in religion.She is a calm girl.If there were people who fight, she is the first girl who want to calm them.She is so kind.Now, She is the student of state senior high School Wonoayu.

Neny is so girly and feminim.When she was in first class, she was in "Al Amanah "college.but, she moved and stay at house. I learned Arabic Language from her because in "Al Amanah " college she spoke in bilingual.She is very diligent if i compare to the other student in the class.

Aida lives in Jatikalang.She can make our friendship more fantastic.i never see she was sad.She always smile although i know that she has many thing to do.She has a young brother.Her young brother was funny.Her mother is very kind .Every i visit her house, her mother always remember me and said that i have to stay there just one night.Oh, she is so friendly.

Ririn is my close friend. During 3 years in State Islamic Yunior High School Sidoarjo, she always sit beside me.i always accept her. She is a wonderful girl.Altough she must concentrate in the lesson, but she can go for work and earn money.That money is used to pay her school.I impressed with her hard work.

Fitriah worked too.She must earn money to pay her school.She worked at Chip Company.She managed her money by her self because her mother passed away when she was child.Her father have no enough money to pay her school.So, she has to survive with her single parent.Now, she can't contineu her study to the Senior High School but she always stiff.I am proud of her self because she never insist her father to pay something which her father can't give it to her.

And About me...I am happy to be my self.I learn many thing from my friend from learning the study until learning to survive.I am proud of my friend.i love them so much.This is my life.My life is my friendship and they will never run away from my life note.Because of them, i see clar.I know what to do in this life and how to say thank to Allah SWT.

I hope they are always fine and health...
I hope they never forget our friendship...May Allah SWT bless them.

Created By;Hanifatul Ummah

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